We all know that certain sounds and music affect us physically. Many of us soon fall asleep in the car or on the train with the steady, rhythmic sounds of the train tracks or engine. This is due to an interesting process known as ‘entrainment’ where we instinctively adjust to the sounds around us and become in tune with them. We may relax with certain music and feel uplifted or excited by other music. Some sounds may unsettle or awaken us as they trigger memories. Sounds like babies giggling or birds singing often warm our heart.
Sound has the ability to affect us in so many ways: physically, emotionally, mentally and sometimes also spiritually and Hema Sounds offers a safe space to experience the magical healing properties of sound.
Following your sound experience with me, if you can find time to focus on sound each day, even for just a moment, the healing impact of your sound session will be greatly enhanced. Just like conventional medicine, a daily dose over time is more effective than a one-off treatment and has a cumulative effect.