Marisa Tighe
The Diploma in Integral Sound Healing training offers a unique 10 step approach to sound healing and is offered across the world in 40 countries. This led to me make an exciting life change; I left my education job to work more flexibly, intuitively and holistically through sound with people of any age and ability.
By taking that leap of faith and following my intuition, I have found a working life filled with interest, positivity and transformation. I go to work; I listen, I watch, I feel and I allow intentions and intuition to work their magic through the medicine of sound vibrations. I see people struggle, resist, soften, accept, heal, change, awaken and then I smile.
My Approach
I combine intuition, psychology, science based therapeutic sound techniques and reflective enquiry. I use instruments in a specific way to influence brainwave frequencies helping clients reach meditational states of consciousness without even trying. The trust and mutual respect we develop together is the foundation for whatever follows.
My sincere wish is for your improved well being.
Build it
Every sound bath is a unique creation providing you with an opportunity to step out of the automatic pilot role for a time.
My intention is for us to collaboratively wash away your tension while helping you to become more centred and balanced, energised and fully present, connected with the world around you. I hope you will feel lighter and clearer about your ability to build an authentic and joyful life for yourself.
Dream it
I aim to be a facilitator for your own self-healing with the support of sounds and our positive thinking and intentions. I help you reach a deep relaxed state so that you can have a glimpse of your true self and desires, your own inner wisdom and voice. Usually we know the answers to our problems but need to feel empowered to trust our dreams are possible.
Other professional knowledge and experience
Training provider for Inclusion, Autism, Behaviour management for school staff and parents, Language and Communication and significant physical and learning difficulties
Independent Researcher in Consultation projects and accessing the voices of young people with communication difficulties
Speech and Language specialist teacher
Early Literacy specialist teacher
Trauma informed practice
Special Educational Needs
Speech, Language, Communication and Interaction/Autism
Makaton signing
Addiction support
Intermediary for Defendants
Staff coaching and supervision
Transition and Change
Film making